Thursday, June 4, 2009

Our 8 year old daughter was baptized recently. And one day after that she decided to throw a huge temper tantrum. I was able to take her aside and explain to her that even though she may be sorry to mommy and daddy, we are not the only ones she has to apologize to now. Now that she is baptised she needs to truly repent of what she had done wrong and basically apologize to heavenly father and promise not to do it again.
It was the perfect opportunity for me to teach about repentance in a loving and compassionate way. Too often we let emotions cloud our judgement when disciplining our children and consequently we are not led by the spirit. But I truly feel that the spirit guided me that day.

As I was pondering faith and repentance today I came across this quote by President Ezra Taft Benson:

"Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation upon which sincere and meaningful repentance must be built. If we truly seek to put away sin, we must first look to Him who is the Author of our salvation."
Ezra Taft Benson, "A Mighty Change of Heart," Ensign, Oct. 1989, 2

May we all strive to have more faith in our Savior, Jesus Christ and the plans that He has for each and everyone of us.

1 comment:

Jeremy and Cindy said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Great Blog. My mom always tells me that when one of my children misbehave it is the Lords way of telling us it is time to teach them something.